
See some of my projects below. All their back-end and front-end parts were completely done by me.


Currently I am open to co-operation on a new and an existing projects.

Looking for full-stack developer willing to join your team?

Contact me:   raya.levinson@gmail.com

MERN Stack Web site built using React, Node.js, Express and MongoDB. Registered users may follow vacations available on the site. Administrators of the site may create, update and delete vacation's information and images. Logged-in users see these changes in the real time. In addition, graphical report of numbers of vacation followers is available to administrators of the site. Features: Login and Registration, Session Authentication and Authorization, Real-Time update using socket-io, Chart report, Image uploader. Data is saved in MongoDB database.


ObserVacation 0ObserVacation 1ObserVacation 2ObserVacation 3
Shop Online
Shop Online Web site built using Angular, Node.js, Express and MySQL. Registered users may purchase products on the site. Administrators of the site may add and update product's information and images. Cart items are available to user after browser was suddenly closed. Order summary as text file is available to user for downloading. Features: Login and Registration, Session Authentication and Authorization, Image Uploader and Preview Data is saved in MySQL database.


AngularTypeScriptNgRxNgrx/dataRxJsReactive FormsLazy Loading ModulesCustom ValidatorsNode.jsExpressMySQL
Shop Online 0Shop Online 1Shop Online 2Shop Online 3Shop Online 4
Cryptonite Web site displays real time information (including prices) of cryptocurrencies based on CoinGecko & CryptoCompare APIs. At the Home page you can see and search for currencies. Live Report page displays report of real time price of the selected currencies. This report updates every two seconds. Features: Search by cryptocurrency symbol, display only selected currencies (maximum 5), pagination.


JavaScriptAjax APIsCanvasJSDynamic PagesES6 ModulesjQuery
Cryptonite 0Cryptonite 1
This site
This my Portfolio web site was created using Next.js.

